Saturday, April 17, 2010

My take on the Fowler incidents...

I should probably start this blog by revealing my biases. I love the Clintons. I supported Hillary in the election (not only voted for her but made calls and campaigned for her too). I love both of the Clintons, but even I will agree that there are things about them that are probably not entirely legitimate.

With that being said, learning about the second Fowler incident really got me upset. I probably would have forgiven her if this was the only journalistic indiscretion that she's had. However, if you add this incident with the Obama one, and I really start to question her integrity. She had 2 possible (depending on who you talk to) breaches of journalistic integrity during one election cycle. Both of these had major impacts on the election.

I think the reason that this upsets me more is that I feel like Hillary was really judged way too much on what Bill said. The smartest things haven't always come out of Michelle Obama's mouth but the media didn't focus on it as much as they did whenever Bill said something dumb (which I will admit, he does need to shut up more). The thing with politicians is that a lot of the time when a controversial quote comes up, their general message is acceptable, the way they word it is not. The media needs to focus more on the message and less on the wording.

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